30 Impresive Women Tattoos Ideas
A woman’s body is universally known and admired as a thing of beauty. So cool ideas for a tattoo for women only add to the appeal of a woman’s physique. But what tattoo design should you choose? There are 1000’s […]
Women Are Awesome
A woman’s body is universally known and admired as a thing of beauty. So cool ideas for a tattoo for women only add to the appeal of a woman’s physique. But what tattoo design should you choose? There are 1000’s […]
Women like wearing jewels and ornaments to style themselves. They are more inclined to decorating their body than men are. Hence, you see most of the women with tattoos even though it’s a small butterfly on the neck. There are […]
Hand tattoos for girls hold a very significant historical meaning. While Western cultures do not view them in the same capacity, many Eastern cultures greatly support hand tattoos as a way of demonstrating their social status, their intelligence, or even […]
Collarbone tattoos can highlight one of the most attractive parts of the human body. These tattoos, which can be placed on both men and women range from delicate and dainty to fierce and powerful. Usually designed to stretch the length […]
Elephants are strong animals that are respected by ancient cultures of India and Africa. Their strength is legendary and combined with their massive size; it is not unusual that ancient civilizations have likened them to great rulers. During war, they […]
Without doubt the rose is the most adored breed of flower throughout the world. One would have to guess that the popularity of this exquisite flower has been linked to the romantic connotations that roses have between lovers.
When you hear the word “Fairy”, some pleasant thinking may run through your mind. In myth, fairies were portrayed as a Beautiful, helpful and innocent women that believed to have supernatural powers which can turn us from pauper to rich, […]
When it comes to tattoos that women wants, heart tattoos are probably the first to enter the mind. Heart tattoos for women are classic. In fact, these are already in style in as early as the 1900s. People choose tattoo […]
Disney Tattoos. I guess most of us grew up watching Disney cartoons and movies. Disney has been making films even before we were born, most of these films are inspirational and great fantasies, probably why people love Disney cartoons so […]
There are many styles that can be derived from such designs. For example, the feather in the design can be used to symbolize air and breath, both of which are essential for a person to live. Feathers are usually incorporated […]
People wear rings to signify the moment and status of marriage, or as a decoration, fashion statement. Similar to other placements, there are a lot more reasons to get a tattoo on finger for tattoo lovers. Finger tattoos are rendered […]
Over the past many years, tattoos were perceived as some form of rebellion. Individuals have the feeling that those who tattoo their own bodies with assorted tattoos are extreme. In many European countries, tattoos were even criminalized. In the present […]
Feather tattoos are very popular, mostly among young women who wishes to achieve that ‘carefree hippie’ vibe.They also imply a sense of emancipation and light semblance. It also looks less threatening than say, a skull with cross bones, mommy will […]
If there was one majestic bird that captivated thousands of audience members of the Harry Potter books and movies; it was that of Professor Dumbledore’s magnificent pet – the Phoenix.
Many tattoo enthusiasts go for colored ones. This type of tattoo can range from three-color tattoos to full-color tattoos. Creating a design composed of the full spectrum of colors is not impossible. There are lots of available techniques that allow […]
Nowadays there is a vast variety of tattoo design and body location combinations that make fantastic tattoos for girls and it can often be difficult to decide which tattoo design to ink, and where to site it. This article is […]
Cross tattoos for women are just some of the most popular tattoo designs a woman can have. Not only does it appeal to those who are religious, but it also goes for all tattoo enthusiasts as well. The cross is […]
The forearm is the region from your elbow to wrist. Since tattoos have become more acceptable in today’s society, it’s not necessary to have your tattoos inked in places where they are not visible. Getting tattoos done on your forearm […]
Love tattoos have always been a great way to express your feelings for someone else. Love tattoos are always very popular and a great many couples choose to show their love for one another in the form of a tattoo. […]
Christian tattoos are proudly displayed by Christians today to make a statement of their faith or spirituality or in memory of a departed loved one or for their own personal meaning.