A pleasant working environment improves everyone’s productivity and creativity. Whether you work from home or not, your workspace should be well organized. Today we are going to share with you some ideas for furnishing and decorating an office for two. The fact that you are not alone is one more reason to create a pleasant working environment.
1. Office table designed for two people
It is essential to have an office table designed for two people so that the office is practical and comfortable. By choosing the right design that satisfies each of you, you will be able to optimize the available space and avoid the development of two different rooms.
2. The question of lighting
The ideal would be to let in enough natural light in your office. Apart from that, select the lights well. Aside from the floor lamp or the one hanging from the ceiling, consider having two desk lamps that illuminate every workspace. In this way, everyone will manage their lighting.
3. The choice of storage
Since the two people who occupy the same office each have their own belongings, it is important to have good storage furniture. A desk table for two with individual drawers would be perfect.
4. The choice of the room
The fact of arranging an office for two is already an important optimization of space. As for the room itself, you might not have thought about it, but it is an interesting idea to have an attic office. The attic is isolated from the rest of the room, which is perfect for a peaceful working environment.
5. Technological devices
The installation and arrangement of technological devices is another important point in the arrangement of an office for two. We should study how each of the occupants can reach the devices they need from their chair. The devices to be used together like the scanner, the printer… must be placed in the middle.
6. To each his own chair
It’s nice to see a desk table with two matching chairs, but it’s not just appearance that matters. Everyone should therefore choose the chair that makes them comfortable because everyone has their own notion of comfort.
7. A beautiful space to work side by side
Is the space you have for setting up a shared office only limited to a section of the wall? No problem. If you have a lot of paperwork to put away, opt for a nice built-in furniture that will reflect your style and your tastes (color and texture). You don’t need the complete kit, just a part of it. and focus your priorities on room windowing!
8. Corner office, for two, very dynamic!
Are you an energetic and spontaneous couple who love color? Dare to color your office with a beautiful orange which will stimulate a warm, welcoming and dynamic atmosphere! A corner desk will further accentuate this atmosphere …
9. Face to face office
You appreciate simplicity and organization. Listen to your simplistic side and then let your tastes speak. Cover the walls with the most beautiful white, choose a very simple, but functional office furniture, set up a television to distract you occasionally, put the focus on a beautiful light, and voila! An elegant and discreet decoration will do the trick!
10. Ideal lighting for large shared office
Do you have enough space for a large home office? By opting to work at each end, in furniture designed according to your needs, you maximize the space allowing to arrange either a small reading corner, an additional space for a third workstation, the arrangement of a decorative shelf, or whatever idea you have in mind. Pay special attention to the lighting of the ceiling and that provided by the windows in the photo below; here is a nice balance between natural light and lighting to promote concentration.
11. Integrated furniture designed for face-to-face work
Optimize space by working face to face and arrange more storage where you can take advantage of it to classify what, usually, is lying around the house! In addition, the location of the two face-to-face workstations promotes communication and the exchange of ideas; therefore for home workers this is a good alternative to consider! (Plan to make an aesthetic hole in the desk in order to accommodate the computers.)
12. A large office in the attic
If space allows, cancel any other plan you had in mind for your attic and seriously consider setting up your double office in the attic! A new room, very spacious, rearranging that for you and your spouse will allow you to work with your head free and away from the rest of the house. The full floor would allow you to have lots of storage and space, and possibly a powder room and a reading corner as a bonus! A neutral, lightly colored and woody decor would coordinate well with the beautiful view offered by the windows on the third floor …
13. Integrated furniture on one side, work table on the other
Are you the type of woman who always wants to move your furniture around? The layout of an office like the one below would suit you! A section of wall set aside for neutral built-in furniture for your husband, who usually doesn’t think of this sort of thing, then a free-standing desk, simple, but will allow you to move it when you want. A small reading corner would go well with all this if the space allows it of course! A little tip… Don’t go too much out of neutral and light tones if you don’t want to tan too quickly…
14. Enjoy every angle of the room
Working in parallel in a room full of angles will never be so functional. Some people will want to work closer to each other, but I believe that if this is the only place you have to devote to the office, you are very lucky since you will save a lot in terms of space and everyone will be entitled to their peace of mind. ! In addition to allowing you to arrange two offices in parallel, you can integrate a bookcase as well as some additional storage furniture.
15. Large libraries for reading enthusiasts
You are not the sort of filing cabinet or file type and prefer to display what you have to store? So here is another option that suggests a clean and energetic organization, at the same time very elegant, but above all very functional. You will each be entitled to your library wall and filing cabinets, while working face to face in the same room!
16. Back-to-back workstation
Make the most of the available space by improvising a shared office in a small unused corner of the house to accommodate two workstations as well as storage furniture! You may have a little less privacy with this location option, but you will at least be able to work in greater peace than in the middle of the kitchen …
17. Small room allows for easily accessible storage
Well thought out, a small room can easily be as functional as a large room devoted to the office … By working side by side, you open the possibility of arranging an entire wall to devote to files, files, shelves, drawers or any other item of storage you’ll need in your new home office! It’s a win-win solution in terms of efficiency and organization!
18. Retro-style shared office in the basement
Would you like to work in a warm, friendly and relaxed atmosphere? An office in the basement dressed in a retro decor would suit you. Located in the basement, this location would offer you the comfort of knowing you’re near the kids, while being away from the little distractions that often get in the way of work. A shared office in the basement would also avoid major renovation costs …